European/International Projects

◈ Smart Protein for a Changing World. Future-proof alternative terrestrial protein sources for human nutrition encouraging environment regeneration, processing feasibility and consumer trust and acceptance. – SMARTPROTEIN (Horizon 2020)

◈ Biotransformation of brewers´ spent grain: increased functionality for novel food applications. – FUNBREW (ERA-NET)

◈ Knowledge Platform on Food, Diet, Intestinal Microbiomics and Human Health. – FOODMICROHEALTH (ERA-NET)

◈ SOURDOugh biotechnology network towards novel, healthier and sustainable food and bIoproCesseS. – SOURDOMICS (COST Action)

◈ Microbe and food proteomics: a platform for process and product innovation, sustainability and authenticity. – MICRO4FOOD (EFRE-FESR)

◈ Development of a sustainable biotechnological process for the production of low-sugar fruit juices and smoothies – SMARTJUICE (EFRE-FESR).

National Projects

◈ Microbiome-tailored food products based on typical Mediterranean Diet components. – Mi.Ta.Me.D (PRIN)

◈ Innovations in Italian Dairy Industry for the enhancement of farm sustainability, milk technological traits and cheese quality. – InnoItadairy

◈ Management of breeding systems and environmental drivers for the production and exploitation of natural starter in the cheese making process. – NATCASEI (MIPAAF)

◈ Processing for healthy cereal foods. – ProHealthCereals (PRIN)

◈ Bio-preservation of new bakery products with improved nutritional characteristics through the use of agricultural by-products and unconventional plant substrates. – BIOPAN (MiSE, PON programme “Imprese e Competitività” 2014-2020)

The BIOPAN project aims to develop biotechnological solutions for obtaining long-life breads with an improved nutritional profile, thanks to the combined use of:
(i) new antimicrobial activity formulations obtained from plant matrices;
(ii) by-products of milling and alternative plant substrates of high nutritional quality;
(iii) starter micro-organisms selected for their antimicrobial activity and their ability to improve the nutritional/functional profile of the loaves.
In addition to replacing the common preservatives currently used in bakeries (propionate, sorbate and benzoate and ethanol), the use of new plant ingredients and selected starters improved the nutritional/functional profile of the finished products. The digestibility of new developed breads and their effects on the human gut ecosystem was also assessed, in-vitro, by using the Simulator of Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME).
The achievement of the planned objectives was in accordance with the current demands of the modern consumer, who demands quality products, natural and minimally treated, and who is increasingly sensitive to the environmental impact caused by food waste

The project was funded with the programme PON “Imprese e Competitività” 2014-2020 by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE, now Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy), with the programme “European Regional Development Fund” by European Union (EU), and as part of the EU response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Province Projects


The SMARTJUICE project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE-FESR) 2014-2020 of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano

Projects with companies

A. Loacker S.p.a/AG

Puratos Italy S.r.l and Puratos NV (4 projects)

Barilla G. e R. Fratelli S.p.a

Bauli S.p.a

PAN Surgelati S.r.l (2 projects)

Zuegg Com. S.r.l

Molini Favero S.r.l (PD)

Certificazione GImpero



Giuliani S.p.A di Milano

Evonik Industries AG

Ferrero S.p.A


UNIBZ Projects

◈ Functional microbiota diversity of the Alto Adige cows’ milk. – FUNMICROMILK

◈ Unravelling the microbiome meta-community: the novel approach for steering cheese making. – MICROMETACHEESE

◈ Processing for sustainable and healthy sauerkraut: a traditional South Tyrol fermented food. – PRO4HEALTHFOOD